Wise Water Use now urge their supporters to email, phone, harangue in the street, their local Councillor and ask that they support the call for the three Water Holdings Hawke's Bay directors to pay their $382,956 debt immediately and in full. All other ratepayers have to pay their rates – the three directors of Water Holdings Hawke's Bay should not get special treatment.
You will find the emails and phone numbers of the 11 Regional Councillors here - then click on the photo of your local Councillor to get their contact details, which are and also listed at the bottom of this post :
If you don’t know who your local Councillor is then pick one who looks approachable!
We ask that you cc Wise Water Use <contact@wisewateruse.org.nz> into your email so we have an idea of how many have contacted Councillors.
Below is a simple email template you can use (feel free to word something a little stronger yourself!)
You can either cut-and-paste the wording below, or download a Word template here:
Dear Councillor ______________
I am frustrated that council has not taken action to collect Water Holdings Hawkes Bay’s $382,956 debt in full. WHHB has not paid their science charges for over 3 years. I pay my rates regularly and the three directors of WHHB should not be receiving special treatment. Please do the right thing by all Hawkes Bay ratepayers and take immediate action to collect the $382,956 debt. If WHHB cannot pay their debt then Council must take steps to place the company into liquidation and the Ruataniwha water consents must be surrendered.
Yours faithfully
Regional Councillor Contact Details:
Hinewai Ormsby (Chair)
021 0770088
Will Foley
(Deputy Chair)
027 4996947
Sophie Siers
021 08200788
Xan Harding
027 6127927
Jock Mackintosh
021 808303
Charles Lambert
Māui Ki Te Raki Māori Constituency
021 02829154
Thompson Hokianga
Māui Ki Te Tonga Māori Constituency
021 2537717
Di Roadley
027 4977303
Jerf van Beek
027 4790375
Martin Williams
027 4490676
Neil Kirton
027 2866200