Wise Water Use advocate, Paul Bailey
The story below by James Pocock, HB Today's water issues reporter, appeared in the 8 December edition with a front page splash showing Gavin Streeter (Chair, Water Holdings HB) assembling an irrigation pump. Could it be that Streeter, also the owner of Isaac's Electrical, a company which sells irrigation pumps, might be motivated to resurrect the failed Ruataniwha dam by reasons other than the official line, “it’s all about the environment”?
Wise Water Use advocate, Paul Bailey, responds in a Letter to the Editor by suggesting that Water Holdings HB has run out of money needed to progress the dam, which should be thrown in the bin! Instead our Regional Council should address the 50% of water being used for a handful of intensive dairy farms in CHB, which is not Wise Water Use.
HB Today, December 8, 2022

HB Today, Letter to the Editor, December 10, 2022
