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Wise Water Use Members

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Trevor Le Lievre


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    Andrew Robb

  (1955 - 10/5/2022)

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Gren Christie

Lead Advocate

Paul Bailey Wise Water Use

Paul Bailey

Lead Advocate

Listen a heartfelt musical tribute to Andrew from friend and  local singer/songwriter, Maria Williams: 

Andrew's Song

Wise Water Use Advocates

Shelley Burne-Field,

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use... to protect our precious life giving resource: TE MANA O TE WAI Ehara! Ko koe te ringa e huti punga! – Yes, yours is the arm best suited to pull up the anchor! In other words, if you don’t…who will?"

Ngaio Tiuka,

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because...Te Mana o te Wai before security of supply!".

Johannes Hoogenboom

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because... the current way some use water is used is rather wasteful, (e.g on hot windy days). Nature responds best when water is applied during evenings or on cloudy days."

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Adam McGrath,

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because... water is our precious resource. We're lucky to have been gifted with this resource, however abundance and quality quickly falls away with mismanagement, complacency, thoughtlessness or an idea that what is here now will always be here tomorrow."

Watch Frank Film's doco on Adam here:

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Syd King,

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because...the deterioration of the rivers since the early 1990s reflects industrial scale water extraction by a small number of intensive land use corporates. Wise management is essential for the protection of our aquifers and waterways for future generations - not just the commercial benefit of a few

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Barbie Cassidy, Pourerere Beach

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because...the Ruataniwha Dam is too big, and unmanageable. The head waters of the Makarora Gorge are filled with moving shingle which would put enormous pressure on the wall of the dam. Being on a fault line leaves Waipawa and environs in a vulnerable position. It is supremely arrogant to plan to build a dam with these inherent risks"

Rosanna Le Lievre, 
Perth, Australia

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because... here in Aus. where there is a water scarcity the community really values this precious resource.  We need wise water use to ensure our environment thrives"

Jake Kerehoma,

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because.. I want to see our existing precious water resource distributed fairly, before spending money on large engineering projects like dams."

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Sharleen Baird,

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because ...I previously worked in public health and on Green policy and realised wise water approach would be most effective to protect te mauri o te wai and the sharing of it's benefits."

Clint Deckard,
Ashley Clinton

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use chairperson of the Inglis Bush Community Trust I have seen first-hand the devastating impact of poor water management on our environment, and I believe that we as a community can do better..

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Louise Phillips, 

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because... Water is essential to all life on this planet. It is necessary for us to understand our connection to it and how to ensure it continues to sustain us and the earth for all the generations to come. Earth care, People care, Fair share."

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Adrienne Tully,

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because... Water is life. We all need it and depend on the equitable and fair allocation of it. We need to cherish water, respect it and acknowledge its intrinsic value.  Earth my body, water my blood, air my breath and fire my spirit."

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Cameron Cornwall, Waipukurau

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because...I value and want to support the work Wise Water Use are doing to protect our environment.

Trish Rosser, Waipukurau

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because...I want to see our existing water resources distributed fairly before spending money on expensive engineering projects.

Gerard Pain, 

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because..I value the work this organisation is doing to protect our natural resources."

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Liam Taylor,

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because.. I want a sustainable environmental future for our mokopuna."

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Jo Heperi

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because...Water is a taonga, it is the lifeblood of Papatuanuku. As kaitiaki taiao we have a responsibility to ensure water is protected and managed sustainably. Ko te wai te ora nga mea katoa ~ Water is the life giver of all things."

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Dan Elderkamp,
Te Pahu

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because...we need to learn how to farm sustainably, and to the conditions & climate, and to use what is given us, water included, wisely and in harmony with the environment - do no harm! The environment needs to come first, then people, then the economy, as per Te Mana o te wai.

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Peter Meredith,

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because... I want to see existing resources used fairly before spending money on expensive engineering projects."

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Ali and Dick Schaper,
Onga Onga

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because... It is the starting point for any future conversations in CHB about how us humans can help flora and fauna and indeed the entire environment to survive global warming."

Celeste Le Lievre, Waipukurau

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because...I would like to see the rivers and streams flowing as deep and clean as they once did when I was a child.

Bill Hale, 

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because...I love this whenua and am thankful to Ruahine and Makaretu awa for sustaining our family over the years. The entitlement that some have gained through a distorted consenting process spanning many years needs to be tempered for the good of all, including our whenua."

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Rachel Bishop, 

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because..I want our natural environment to thrive."

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Mark Corkran,

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because...wasteful and unwise use, mainly by a few local corporates, already threatens our water and environment in CHB. We are told that we require another version of the failed Ruataniwha dam at huge expense to provide water security. I don't wish to see more precious water being used to profit private enterprise at the expense of our environment and our health. We must all use our water wisely".

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Peter Charleton-Jones, Otane

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because...of our need to use our water sustainably.  Looking to the next generation.  The obvious changes in the future climate and the dangerous damage industrial farming has caused in NZ continues to poison our water and environment.  To have a fair sustainable and fresh water allocation system is a fundamental right for us all."

Tony Murphy,

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because... water is a finite resource that is the keystone of our environment; its sustainable use is vital to our future."

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Marilyn Scott,

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because...Water is the life source of the planet - a Taonga to be respected, treasured and shared fairly. The degradation of our once-pristine waterways in my lifetime alone is sadly and shamefully a legacy for future generations."

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Murray Rosser, Waipukurau

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because...water is a finite resource and Aotearoa is blessed with its own surplus. Historic and ongoing careless and exploitative use has depleted our water’s true value. Time to clean up our act and use water wisely!

John Jukes,

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use's plain to see that our precious water resource is being squandered by a handful of irrigators - I really value and support the work our Wise Water Use Lead Advocates undertake in lobbying the Regional Council to claw back excessive water consents. "

Russell Maher,
Te Awanga

"I am an advocate of Wise Water Use because..  I think the people of the ENTIRE region need FAIR access on a responsible basis to water and not see a few with commercial imperatives gaining at the expense of others. I also care about the environment and the ecology affected by our water choices."

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